December 22,
President Barack Obama
The White House1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. President,
I am writing to you on behalf of myself, Oromo-American and permanent
resident members and supporters of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF)[1]
in the USA Who are happy to call this great nation their home and enjoy the
democracy, justice and human rights it has to offer. Our members and supporters, the vast majority
of whom are voting United States citizens, are proud contributors to this
nation’s economic and social life.
Mr. President,
As we mourn the passing away of, and celebrate the life and
accomplishments of, former president Nelson Mandela of South Africa - "The last great liberator of the 20th century” – we cannot
help but remember one of our own – General Tadesse Biru. Gen. Tadesse was
another fighter for liberation of his people, the Oromo people, who was
assassinated by the Ethiopian regime in 1975. He was, also, the man in charge
of training Mr. Mandela when the latter came to our land for military training
in 1962.
In your eulogy speech at Nelson Mandela's memorial on Tuesday, December
10, 2013, you said “Around the world today, men
and women are still imprisoned for their political beliefs; and …” which struck
a chord with us because we are members of one such persecuted people – the
Oromo people – in our land of origin Oromia.
The Oromo
are the single largest group in Ethiopia comprising over 40% of the Ethiopian
population but economically dispossessed and politically disenfranchised by
successive Ethiopian regimes. Having been forcefully incorporated in to the
Ethiopian empire around the end of the 19th century, the Oromo have since
been struggling for their right to self-determination. In an effort to kill this
political belief in the Oromo people and to perpetuate their dispossession, successive
Ethiopian regimes have inflicted untold misery on the Oromo people in the form
of selling off their land to the highest bidder, extrajudicial killings,
torture, mass arrests, and disappearances. Such repressions, dispossessions and human rights
violations by the current Ethiopian government against the Oromo people are
escalating on a daily basis.
Today, thousands of Oromos from all walks of life suffer in Ethiopian prisons for no other reason than being born Oromos and/or for their political beliefs in the Oromo deserving freedom, justice and the right to determine their fate. In Ethiopia, “Torture and other ill-treatment of prisoners [are] widespread, particularly during interrogation in pre-trial police detention.”[2] Many Oromo political prisoners have died in Ethiopian prisons while we watch idly from the “sidelines, comfortable in complacency or cynicism when our voices must be heard.”[3]
Mr. President,
The list of Oromos murdered
or imprisoned for their political beliefs
would be too long to provide in this letter but the cases of Tesfahun Chemeda,
Bekele Gerba and Olbala Lellisa should suffice to illustrate our points.

Bekele Gerba, deputy Chairman of the opposition Oromo
Federalist Democratic Movement (OFDM) and Olbana Lelisa of the Oromo People’s
Congress party (OPC) were both arrested on 27 August 2011 after meeting with
Amnesty International (AI) deligation.[4]
The AI delegation in Ethiopia was expelled soon after, leaving AI without
presence in that country to monitor and report on constant harassment by the
government against Oromos in general and opposition politicians in particular.

It was a
fight against such injustices perpetrated against his people that brought
Nelson Mandela for military training, albeit a short one, to the land of the
people to whom Bekele Gerba was born, the Oromo people. Gen. Tadesse Biru,
Tesfahun Chemeda Hunde and many others were cut down by successive Ethiopian
governments while carrying Mandela’s torch against injustice. Bekele Gerba,
Olbana Lelisa and thousands of others are languishing in Ethiopia’s prisons and
detention camps for raising Mandela’s torch for equality and due process.
On behalf of myself and members and supports of the
OLF in the USA, I call upon your administration to:
the United States government’s security ties with the Ethiopian regime will not
trump human and civil rights consideration for the peoples of the Ethiopian
empire and does not lead your administration to overlook abuses in that country;
on behalf of justice”[5]
and put the necessary pressure on the Ethiopian government to release all
political prisoners of which the overwhelming majority are the Oromo;
its influences with the Ethiopian government to rescind its deeply flawed
anti-terrorism law which it has been using to sentence actual and perceived
political opponents to long years of imprisonment and to stifle “freedom of
expression, severely restricting the activities of the independent media.”[6]
the necessary safeguards in place to ensure that United States financial,
material and other aids paid for by United States tax payers are not used by
the Ethiopian government for repressing Oromo and other peoples in the empire.
Abraahim Abbayyee
North American Branch of the OLF
[1] The Oromo
Liberation Front (Oromo: Adda Bilisummaa
Oromoo or ABO), or OLF,
is an organization established in 1973 by Oromo nationalists to promote
self-determination for the Oromo people against "Abyssinian [Ethiopian]
colonial rule".
[3] Taken from
President Obama’s speech at
Nelson Mandela's memorial on Tuesday, December 10, 2013
[5] Taken from
President Obama’s speech at Nelson
Mandela's memorial on Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Source: OLF web site.
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