Saturday, March 20, 2010

Political Vision or Religious Revelation?

By Samuel Guutuu

“… and many false prophets shall arise and shall mislead many. Behold, I have told you in advance” (Matthew 24:11, 25).

Politics is an unclean game by its very nature. Those who mix religion with politics do so at their own peril. As one can see from the Scripture (Matthew 22:21), it would seem advisable to leave politics for the politicians and religion to the religious leaders. The scripture also warns of false prophets.

First, it was the Reverend Belina Sarka of the Oromo Lutheran Church. According to him, after listening to his prayers for unity and territorial integrity of Ethiopia since 1977, the Lord answered his prayer as he was meditating in Hermannsburg, Germany. The Lord appeared to him one morning at 3:00 AM, in 2002. Just as He revealed the Ten Commandments to Moses in the form of a tablet, so he did the future of Ethiopia to Reverend Belina in the form of a TV show. In this show, says the good reverend, the Lord showed him the future of Ethiopia and her “fourteen provinces.” Listen to this! The Lord, actually showed the reverend that Ethiopia will return to her former glory of owning “fourteen” provinces which will include Eritrea.

According to Revererd Belina, the TV show consisted of three scenes. The first scene was about Eritreaea, Tigray, Gondar and Walloo. They are blessed to become the industrial backbone of Ethiopia. Scene two dealt with Bale, Arsi, Shawa and Gojjam and the agricultural products they will be producing to feed the empire. In scene three, the Lord revealed to him that Harahge, Sidamo, Wallaga, Gamo Gofa and Illu Babba Boora will produce abundant fruits, tea, coffee and spice. In other words, Northern provinces will technologically develop but Oromos and others in the South will remain agricultural societies.

Watching this false prophesy on Youtube
HERE and watching the reverend frequently referring to his notes, I could not help wondering if the God that revealed all this to him lacked the power to endow him with perfect memory to remember what He revealed to His “servant.” By his deed, Belina caused me doubt God’s power and almost led me astray for a moment. Then God, in his grace, helped me remember Jesus’s warning in Mathew 24:11. As a human being and a Lutheran, I felt insulted and betrayed. Insulted, because Rev. Belina took me for an imbecile. Betrayed, because such Political visions disguised as religious revelations by someone of Rev. Belina’s stature will reflect badly on the Lutheran Church.

The good reverend has all the rights to support political ideas or parties of his choosing. He has the right to present his ideas for the future of the empire as a person. However, to try and present his political belief as that of God has no other purpose than to intimidate opponents of his idea. It is to present unity and territorial integrity of Ethiopia as God’s will and never to be challenged regardless of the unjust nature of the empire.

As some one once said, "As spiritual adultery increases in the church, false prophets will flourish as highly sought after speakers, and as Christians accept more of these false teachings indiscriminately, many will fall away, believing in a phony "faith".

The Lutheran Church should beware of politicians in religious clothing.

Have your say!


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Anonymous said...

I watched rev Balina's video with amazement. Definitely, it is political vision. A vision and a dream of Amara politicians who still dream about the 14 ethiopian provinces. Technological advancement and education is reserved to northerners and the Oromo and the south will continue to be farmers. Everyone is equal in the God's eye and I believe this is not what God has in stake for Oromos and the south. I agree with the writer this is a false prophesy.

OdaaNabee said...

Such a televised prophecy!!!The reverened did not only show contempt for the Oromo people and Ethiopian people at large, but he was unreserved from breaking the principles and the very essence of christianity. I think the reverend was actually hypnotized by TPLF, for he was speaking the strategic plan and propaganda of TPLF. I also think the TV screen the reverend talks about is the Ethiopian television and hence his prophecy is from his human GOD, MELASA ZENAWI.

Anonymous said...

Dhufaati kirstos jala warri sobaan maqa gooftani lalaban akka baayatan macaafnii indubata. Kun dhugadhunmatti erga waaqa miti.

Anonymous said...

I just watched reverend's drama, he talks about construction, elecrical energy, tourism,mining, ethiopian projected economy, politics and how all these come together to build a strong ethiopia with her 14 provinces. (perhaps under one flag, the falg which comes up through out the show)

Anonymous said...

Reverend Balinaa started by mentioning what he had seen during his childhood where the colonial Absynian court servers its subjects in Afaan Amarra. And then he moved onto other points. He didn't even condemn that. He being an Oromoo who grew-up in Oromoo society where Amarra's domination reflected in many many ways, how on earth he ignores the numerous other savagery and evil deeds of the colonial power. If he is a person whose conviction and dedication is to serving the truth, which is one of God's commandements, he should not have omitted,truth and should have been fair and balanced in his speech.

That was then, how about now? doesn't he know what the brutal Woyane regime is doing to Oromoos and other people (even including the Amharas) in the empire? May be the Reverend is fooling himself by not directly speaking about politics. He can NOT fool us. Whether he did it on purpose or not, he stepped into politics mid-field, the moment he talks about the administative, social, and political matter of the people in the Ethiopian empire.

Let me tell you something about Pastor Balina: I remember what a friend told me about 7 or 8 years ago. He attended Pastor Balina's sermon in Oromoo church in the U.S.A a week or so later he attended Pastor Balina's sermon in Amharic church. He told me "Jaarsi kuni yeroo warra Oromoo bira dhufaani wana Oromooni dhaga'uu feedhan dubatuu yero warra Amarra bira dhaqani imoo wana warii Amarra dhaga'uu fedhan dubatu"

I do believe in the same God Pastor Balina believes in. As far as the revelation he claimed he has seen, I'm very hesitant to accept it. But, I do believe God can reveal things to an individual. But, the same God tells us examine and see. One thing we have to be mindfull of is that individuals may mix up there wishfull thinkng with that of God's message. In addition, as the blogger said the bible tells us that at end times false prophets will multiply

Nagaa Waaqayooti ta'aa!!!

Anonymous said...

Kan Oromoo rabbuma bira dide jarana? Akka jaarsii kun jedhutti rabumatu ach gadi itti ajaje. Maal balessinan laata? Kan bela'e beela baasu, kan dheebote dheebu baasu darbe, maal godhe. Oromoon dhaqe lafa nama irra inqubanne, alaaba qees balinan video kana irraa mirmirsu qabatani dhufani isantu lafa isaa irra qubate. Utu dhuguma naama waaqa ta'e uumata midhameef, uumata isaaf dubbatas, kadhatas ture. Kadhan isaa lubbu meeqa faiseef malee.

Anonymous said...

I totaly concure with Mr Samuel Guutu. Perfectly articulated. Reverend Bal'inaa and Gammachiis are there to destroy christianity. They want christian Oromos to run away from church. Therefore,true christian Oromos must stand up and counted to save Oromo churches from these false phrophets and also boycot reading what they preach, write,prayer and church.

Anonymous said...

This man has gone crazy,,,He needs an urgent treatment.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone, the 'Reverend' has gone bonkers! He is deluded and tries to delued others.


Anonymous said...

Rev. Belina preached in my Church about his "revelation". On that particular day he emphasized that Ethiopia will become as developed as today's Japan within 30 years. He said that 4.5 years had already passed and he have 25.5 years left. This was about 4 years ago,and we have about 20 years to become as developed as today's Japan. I was surprised to hear this from Rev. Belina. My question was, didn't he have a friend who was able to advise him not to involve in such dirty game or he did not want to listen to them? I explained the falsity of this revelation to many of my friends using good examples, possibilities and impossibilities. Some of them are still in confusion. Some those confused Oromos tried to tell me the power of God to do that. I did not argue with anyone about the power of God to make impossibilities possible. But as a Christian Oromo I am sure this is a false revelation. The Lord gave his people the right and the knowledge to test "prophesies". For Abyssinian dreamers, this is a great news. I wish Rev. Belina finish his remaining life on earth preaching the greatness of the Lord. Now he has failed. He cannot fix it. He spoiled his long history at the end of his ages. I feel shame as we both are members of the same Church. The fact that he wished Oromos and the South people remain agriculturalists while the northern develop in industry is an insult to our people for which Rev. Belina will not be pardoned even in the face of the Lord. I have been condemning this false prophesy since I have heard it in my Church. I thank the Oromo guy who exposed this to those who have not heard it. Let's keep exposing and condemning such dreams.

Anonymous said...

At one of the occasion appr. 10 years ago, while serving in Oromo church, Rev. Belina prophesied God’s plan to break a yoke of subjugation imposed on oromo nation. According to this prophesy, “Lord reveals his servant to announce a the coming of freedom and prosperity for this nation after a short transition time of suffering.” I and my fellow believer were ordered to wrote down those words of revelation. It is really an amazing to hear the current prophesy. Ajaa’iba! It is not the nature of the Lord to reveal two different prophesies showing just opposite destinies for the same nation at the same time. The latest revelation can not be from the same lord, who gave his vision to set us free. Waaqayyoo keenya Waaqa birmaduun nu uume.. I appreciate the blogger for his courage to initiate us for such exchange of opinion. The Bible tells us to be aware of false prophets. The scripture said: “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world” (3 John 4:1). I think, it the duty of Oromo christian ministers, and congregation to proof such prophesies and teachings, which have a great impact on our church and national interest


Unknown said...

this is completely delusion, kkkk Fake religious man

Anonymous said...

Have you heard some preaching that the TPLF are given by Lord and are blessed to rule over Ethiopia? Qes Balina's prophesy is nothing more than a day dream. Woyane's have a similar, but not exactly, the same dream. At least they accept Eritrea's independence. However, they are doing their best to industralise Tigray at the expense of the rest in the Empire. Qes Belina needs to wake up from the dream, though!

Anonymous said...

Sorry for my bad english. Thank you so much for your good post. Your post helped me in my college assignment, If you can provide me more details please email me.

Anonymous said...

As a Lutheran we believe serving a human being spiritually and physically. we always tend to be extremist to one side and ignore the other side of reality. God is not only a God of spiritual world, He is also the God of Politics or the visible world. As you cannot separate the soul from the body, it is hard to separate spiritual and political activities. second of all it is too early to pass a judgment whether he is false prophet or not. you should understand the context of the passage before you give comments. in short, let us not create a line between spiritual and physical world. So to pass a judgment on whether he is a false prophet or not is just a matter of immature analysis.

Anonymous said...

rev belina . did you took an excessive alcohol or the devils brought thier tv to your bed room?
rev belina, all your dreames were
plans that tplf already preaching
on tv day and night to develop the only state tigray. you need to pray more so those demons wont bather you any more. rev belina, my dream is this.OROMIA WILL BE FREE. and i see the richest, wealthy,healthy nation in aworld.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for those ‘miskin’ people in Ethiopia who are being fooled by morrow minded person like ‘debteraw’ Balina. His foolish dream and lie is not new. What is disturbing is the type of distortion of the TRUTH, together with lying and gross political manipulation in the name of nations who are yearning for the God given right. This kind of false prophets and false apostles ether by they or their sock puppet lying after an important major news event by saying the ‘prophet’ saw something beforehand that they had not, or by distorting the truth to appear that they’d prophesied something they did not in their very generalized horoscope one size fits all type prophetic forecasts. The time has came to expose his professional lies where cannot endure sound doctrine of Christianity and turned away his ears from the truth, and turned unto fable or myth stories of cursed and barbaric empire of Ethiopia. It is not in the interest of oppressed people interest and even in the good will of God this ‘sekaram’-Balina to hold the ministry; he is talking to devils NOT to God. This mad man seems inspired by evil spirit and revenge against the people of south particularly the Oromo people of one God.
Remember that religion is true to those who believe in God and very important to politician who practice divide and rule policies. Finally, I would like to conclude my comment with this quote:
“No one is immune to deception. The moment we think we are immune to deception; we are in fact being deceived. “Let no man deceive you by any means:” (II Thess. 2:3). “Let no man deceive himself.” (I Cor. 3:18). An important admonition given to God's people is “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD:” (Isa. 1:18). We must be careful not to allow our opinions and feelings influence our reasoning.”
I hope reasonable Christian would rise up against this political carder-Balina to free up the ministry. Don’t let it to happen a foolish man like Balina to fool you and your people in the name of God!

Anonymous said...

This is truely bizzar!This definetly is false prophesy: The lord of freedom does not support the perpetualtion of suppression, subjugation and exploitation against any nation. The Lutheral church actually supports what is known as just war: a war to break the yoke of colonialism because according to its teachings all individuals and peoples are created equally. As a Lutheran, Belina does not speak for me or my church which has been the womb of nationalism for many years among Oromo Lutherans.

May the Lord help Belina get his sanity back!


Anonymous said...

Thank you all i used the topic of'Rev. Belina' and did my research to graduate,thanks again if he was not born ayiiiii i missed a tpic and may be it was challenge for me.

Maalumaafuu osoo gara waaqaatti deebi'ee kadhatee araara argatee hin badu, dhuma jala seexanatti dabalamuusaarra!!

Anonymous said...

you are all messed in the head

Do not display name said...

Certainly most of you guys posting your personal thoughts on this webct are from those people that have been politically and religiously confused. Politically confused because for so many years you don't agree on any political ideas that may help peoples--even the Oromos to peacefully co-exist. You are trying to repeat the deadly mistakes that the different regimes made for centuries in that country. The thing is that God does not want you to do unto those the bad things they did to you. This did not work in the past and you do not learn from it. Even as politicians you do not seem to be learning from great people like Nelson Mandela, who believed nothing but forgiveness is the best solution to break the yoke of oppression that existed between blacks and whites. Of course forgiveness is a bitter pill to swallow for unbelievers in Christ. Do you understand that God is a God of every creature----- including humans in that country or in the entire universe? As an Oromo and as a strong believer in Christ, I would rather think that every one in that country will live their earthly and temporary lives in loving relationship.
You are also religiously confused because first of all, the foul language that you use, such as "sekaram" "maraatuu" etc in your reactions to this man in your notes convinces me that you do not have a holy character that God's people have. And you know that "carnal mid does not understand the things of God". In my opinion people with such attitudes are more dangerous than anything. Any way, what if Rev Balina prophesied that the Oromos will be freed from oppression and it happens to be false after a long time? It was false and you will still love the man because that is what you want to happen for you. Whether his prophesy was right or wrong wait and see. Or ignore it if you don't like to accept it. Only God's eternal plan will be fulfilled, whether humans falsely or truly prophesied. The Jews of the New testament expected the Messiah who was going to come and free them from the Romans, but it was not so. The other mistake that we can make is to think that once we get our own freedom it would be perfect and best of all. What if our own Oromo self-governance is even worst? Only Christ's truth shall set you free. So do not curse the the Rev or throw him into the pit like they did to Jeremiah and commit sin. It would be better if you spent your time praying for the best solution to our confusions, which God alone can provide. You remember in times of the Judges every one was doing what they thought was right in their eyes and there was confusion. In short only what God says happens and so do not worry.If you don't believe this, then do not put yourself in the category of Christ's believers and argue.

Do not display name said...

Certainly most of you guys posting your personal thoughts on this webct are from those people that have been politically and religiously confused. Politically confused because for so many years you don't agree on any political ideas that may help peoples--even the Oromos to peacefully co-exist. You are trying to repeat the deadly mistakes that the different regimes made for centuries in that country. The thing is that God does not want you to do unto those the bad things they did to you. This did not work in the past and you do not learn from it. Even as politicians you do not seem to be learning from great people like Nelson Mandela, who believed nothing but forgiveness is the best solution to break the yoke of oppression that existed between blacks and whites. Of course forgiveness is a bitter pill to swallow for unbelievers in Christ. Do you understand that God is a God of every creature----- including humans in that country or in the entire universe? As an Oromo and as a strong believer in Christ, I would rather think that every one in that country will live their earthly and temporary lives in loving relationship.
You are also religiously confused because first of all, the foul language that you use, such as "sekaram" "maraatuu" etc in your reactions to this man in your notes convinces me that you do not have a holy character that God's people have. And you know that "carnal mid does not understand the things of God". In my opinion people with such attitudes are more dangerous than anything. Any way, what if Rev Balina prophesied that the Oromos will be freed from oppression and it happens to be false after a long time? It was false and you will still love the man because that is what you want to happen for you. Whether his prophesy was right or wrong wait and see. Or ignore it if you don't like to accept it. Only God's eternal plan will be fulfilled, whether humans falsely or truly prophesied. The Jews of the New testament expected the Messiah who was going to come and free them from the Romans, but it was not so. The other mistake that we can make is to think that once we get our own freedom it would be perfect and best of all. What if our own Oromo self-governance is even worst? Only Christ's truth shall set you free. So do not curse the the Rev or throw him into the pit like they did to Jeremiah and commit sin. It would be better if you spent your time praying for the best solution to our confusions, which God alone can provide. You remember in times of the Judges every one was doing what they thought was right in their eyes and there was confusion. In short only what God says happens and so do not worry.If you don't believe this, then do not put yourself in the category of Christ's believers and argue.

Anonymous said...

You ladies and gentle men please keep quite and pray for a while before criticizing this revelation.I trust God that He will confirm this revelation soon despite the desperate condition surfaced that nation. Is any thing too hard for the Lord? (Genesis 18:14). God is perfect judge you may feel shame in all your sayings when this revelation happens. Am afraid you are the confused ones not Reverend Belina

Anonymous said...

None of you can stand in God's way if God says something so be ti whether you like it or you don't like it. Period!!!

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