I listened to Dr. Haile Hirpa’s, former(?) OSA president, interview in an Oromo Paltalk room as posted on Bilisummaa.com.
As expected, Haile Hirpa defended his action of inviting Berhanu Nega to present at OSA 2010. This much is expected and no surprise there. He talked about how Berhanu Nega, who said very little at the conference besides blaming “identity politics” for the empire’s maladies, is now a changed man. What is the evidence for Berhanu’s change of heart? “He said he was born in Bushoofttu, Oromia.” Amen!
Be that as it may, the subject of my posting for today is not OSA, nor Berhanu Nega. I have said my piece on those two and leave the judgment to my readers.
My subject for today is a factual error Haile Hirpa made in this interview. In this interview, he said something that I believe requires correction and he actually asked to be educated on the subject. I will let you hear it from the “horse’s mouth”, as the English say, a few lines down but let me translate and transcribe it for you.
Question to Haile Hirpa from a PalTalk participant: “You have repeatedly said in your speech that Oromo wants “bilisummaa” and nothing else. As we understand from the Oromo people, what they want is not “bilisummaa” only. … What we want is “walabummaa Oromiyaa ti.” An independent state of Oromia. … So when you say Oromos want “Bilisummaa”, do you mean the Oromo people can be free and live with in Ethiopia or you are substituting “bilisuummaa” for “Walabummaa”? …” (translation mine)
Dr. Haile Hirpa’s response: “The objective of the OLF that I know since 1973/74 is the same one it is sticking to today – regardless of the various difference existing among them today - which is “bilisummaa”. However, to transform this objective from “bilisummaa” to “walabummaa” [independence], those who lead the organization have to come together and establish [walabummaa] as OLF’s objective. [Walabummaa] has never been the objective of the OLF. But, I am willing to be educated on this. However, for as long as I have been part of this struggle and the OLF, the objective of the OLF is “bilisummaa”, nothing else. I think we can agree on this.” (translation mine)
Dr. Haile is correct in asking to be educated. It is also clear from his response that in his book "bilisummaa" does NOT include "walabummaa." What he asserted about the objective of the OLF is absolutely incorrect. For the founding fathers of the OLF, "bilisummaa" included "Walabummaa". Any other interpretation would be a revisionist interpretation.
As expected, Haile Hirpa defended his action of inviting Berhanu Nega to present at OSA 2010. This much is expected and no surprise there. He talked about how Berhanu Nega, who said very little at the conference besides blaming “identity politics” for the empire’s maladies, is now a changed man. What is the evidence for Berhanu’s change of heart? “He said he was born in Bushoofttu, Oromia.” Amen!
Be that as it may, the subject of my posting for today is not OSA, nor Berhanu Nega. I have said my piece on those two and leave the judgment to my readers.
My subject for today is a factual error Haile Hirpa made in this interview. In this interview, he said something that I believe requires correction and he actually asked to be educated on the subject. I will let you hear it from the “horse’s mouth”, as the English say, a few lines down but let me translate and transcribe it for you.
Question to Haile Hirpa from a PalTalk participant: “You have repeatedly said in your speech that Oromo wants “bilisummaa” and nothing else. As we understand from the Oromo people, what they want is not “bilisummaa” only. … What we want is “walabummaa Oromiyaa ti.” An independent state of Oromia. … So when you say Oromos want “Bilisummaa”, do you mean the Oromo people can be free and live with in Ethiopia or you are substituting “bilisuummaa” for “Walabummaa”? …” (translation mine)
Dr. Haile Hirpa’s response: “The objective of the OLF that I know since 1973/74 is the same one it is sticking to today – regardless of the various difference existing among them today - which is “bilisummaa”. However, to transform this objective from “bilisummaa” to “walabummaa” [independence], those who lead the organization have to come together and establish [walabummaa] as OLF’s objective. [Walabummaa] has never been the objective of the OLF. But, I am willing to be educated on this. However, for as long as I have been part of this struggle and the OLF, the objective of the OLF is “bilisummaa”, nothing else. I think we can agree on this.” (translation mine)
Dr. Haile is correct in asking to be educated. It is also clear from his response that in his book "bilisummaa" does NOT include "walabummaa." What he asserted about the objective of the OLF is absolutely incorrect. For the founding fathers of the OLF, "bilisummaa" included "Walabummaa". Any other interpretation would be a revisionist interpretation.
Listen to Dr. Haile below. Then read part of the OLF political program (from 1973/74 and 1998) also below and you be the judge.
Listen to the Q & A
Thanks for the post. This has been am issue which has been crying for clarification. The question that I have for you is: Do you think we are weak because of the difference in political outlooks or we developed difference in political outlooks because we are weak and in search of a short cut?
This, I think, would be a good topic for one of your fiture posts.
What matters is not confusion of terms or words what matters is the actions and practical interpretation of these terms.I dont think/thought OLF was for bilsummaa and not for walabummaa.by desgin or default OLF was/is to liberate oromo people andtheir land from occupiers or colonizers.the poletical terms FREEDOM,LIBERTY AND SOVEREIGNTY MUST NOT BE CONFUSED.any society at liberty enjoy their freedom of expression,meeting, belief, etc freedom is derived from liberty and liberty is derived from sovereignity and soveregnity is complete control of poletical power to run ones nation or country with out the influence of foreigners.as to me freedom and liberty stands to denote BILISUMMAA and sovereignity to denote WALABUMMAA.In colonized Oromia all this terms are under arrest since those oromian citzens who shoul practice them are under subjguation.bilisummaa + walabummaa=sovereign state of OROMIA =DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF OROMIA.INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY +GROUP LIBERTY=NATIONAL LIBERTY(BILISUMMA NAM TOKKE +BILISUMMAA GAREE =BILISUMMAA SABAA) this indicates a given nation can have national liberty but not sovereignity because no sovereign state( no walabumma) a given nation may have natioanl liberty so that sovereign) beacuse there is sovereign state( oromiyaa WALABOOMTEE).The struggle to liberate OROMIA TO WIN ITS NATIOANLA LIBERTY AND INDPENDENCE IS THE FACES OF ONE COIN.
Yes, Blogger. We can put this debate to rest now. But who said OLF cannot change its program? It ddi so in 2004 to self-determination which you conveniently forgot to mention. Of course you are QC that is why you failed to mention the 2004 program.
The highlight of Dr. Hirpha's speech "Dr. Birhaanuu Naggaa kan OSA irratti yaamnneef diinaa keenya xinneessinee fira heddommeeyfachuufi ture"
forced me to go off topic.
If the goal is truely to educate Birhanu Negga why didn't Dr. Hipha along with some friends go to an ethiopian meeting where Birhanu speaks and make their case there. That way they will have a chance to make more friends. Convince more habashas.
But that is not the ajanda, the ajanda is to convience Oromos to accept ethiopianism.
To a commentor at August 30, 2010 9:05:00 PM EDT
That is a good topic for discussion as well but it is another topic, may be a future topi. You see Dr. Hirpha's understanding is different than yours and there are many confusions that needs to be discussed and clarified.
One thing you shoudn't do is you shouldn't try to stop people from discussing opinions even if it is not aligned with yours.
As I understood until now, both terms include freedom and liberty of oromo and oromia from the colonizer and also even from the Dictators of oromo politicians who may emerge during or after the liberation of oromo and oromia from Habashas. So undemocratic oromo liberation fronts and Co have also no CHANCE --):- to establish them selves in the future oromia. This should not be a question for the majority of oromos that we struggle for BILISUMMA and WALABUMMAA!!
The OLF can change its political programme, when ever the majority of its members wished that. However, till now its programme of 1974 and 1994 is binding programme for all the three groups of our OLF. That programme is a stand-up to liberate our Oromiya from Abyssinian (Ethiopian) colonialism and establish a Democratic Republic of Oromiya!
Thus, it is not wise to play with such terms like BILISUMMAA or WALABUMMAA, as our brother Dr. Haile Hirpha has done! Now it is better if we disuss on concrete advantages of the OLF (Asmara Gourp) to form an alliance with those Abyssinian organisations which never recognize the WAAQA given rights of the Oromo people and nation!
First of all it is better if the OLF makes its houses (OLF and Oromiya) in order: a) unite all the three gourps of OLF b) make alliance with all Oromo Liberation forces. For me this is the call of the day and the call of the nation! The nation and the country cry to be united and march on the road to BILISUMMAA and WALABUMMAA!
Birraatuu Birraa
Both words were used interchangeably by members up until recently. Actually, Bilisumma was used frequently and it was used to mean sovereignty of Oromia. Bilisumma biyya.
Highlighting and redefining the meaning of Bilisumma was started by ABO leaders who are advocating Ethiopianism to say all along the Bilisumma we were advocating was Bilisumma of the individuals not of the sovereignty of the country, Oromia.
It looks like it is a face saving mechanism coined by those leaders who decided to return to mother Ethiopia.
Dear Ijoollee abbaa gadaa,
Berhanu Nega came to OSA meeting with a mission. Here what the Ethiopian Review revealed on August 27/2010.
".....Ginbot 7 Movement for Justice, Freedom and Democracy (Ginbot 7) has created an alliance with two other parties, Afar People’s Party, and Ethiopian Movement for Unity and Justice.
The press release issued by the coalition announces its name as “Alliance for Liberty, Equality and Justice in Ethiopia” (ALEJE).
According to sources close to the ALEJE, the top members of its leadership include: Dr Berhanu Nega, chairman; Ato Allo Ayhadis Mohammed, Vice-Chairman; and Ato Neamin Zeleke, Secretary General...."
Even if one could not conclusively assume the agenda Berhanu Nega had when he attended the OSA conferece this year, it more safe to say that he miscalculated the Oromoo Nation's politically savvy academicians. Here he goes back and claims that he could not do any dealing with us as a result of our political divisions. Once again, we the Oromoo people are gladly conveying to Berhanu Nega that the feeling is "MUTUAL". No love lost. As for Haile Hirpha, yes he admits that he needs to be educated. We can take that, but we are not prepared to make another mistake of taking this shallow admission at face value. We do have brothers who proved to be non conducive for the most comprehensive political education, even if the same scenario repeats itself over 100x during their life spans. Maybe, just maybe, Haile Hirph is most likely to be one of the kind!!! Here, I do not want to speculate why this group of Oromoos fail to learn from their Nation's and their own experiences, including mistakes. I believe that needs another systematic analysis of the Oromo Affairs, which we cherish most!!!!
Asalaam Aleikum,
Interesting discussion. I have learned a lot from it.tnx
Dear blogger, it is good to read your opinion regarding Dr, Haile's stand, but what I will like to here from you how do you address the issue of other nationalities surrounding the Oromo land? What will be yours or OLF's policy or plan in relation to other people in the area? I believe addressing these matters will help in educating the Oromo people as well as the non-Oromos. Not being clear on this issue is one reason to our weakness (IMHO). As an Oromo I am not against the Dr. Birhanu's appearance at the OSA meeting (Note : I am not a member). I read his paper and it seems reasonable, it invites a discussion. In any case I will like to hear from you regarding the questions I raised at the beginning.
Dear Blogger,
Thank you.
First, what is Haile's PhD in? Politics?
Second, is OSA not a scholarly organization? Why is it the OSA chair speaks "jette jette"? Why has he failed to provide reference for his assertion, as a learned man? If he is a learned man that is. I am convinced he has never read the OLF political program ever, let alone a wide range of reserch before his interview.
He talks a load of rubbish. OSA is reduced to Derg's Kebele affairs. Sad.
Had I been hypocrite like the blogger, I would have trashed all the contents as 'loads of words but of little sense)- for the blogger described himself he knows everything when it comes to Oromo politics, which is a hypocrisy - given the content of his current blog, which sounds otherwise. Which should precede, Bilisummaa or Walabummaa? How does Bilisummaa contradict with the cause -self-determination? Can the blogger present justifications? Actually, I was not surprised for an enemy benefited a lot by creating such confusions among the people; and this is no different. As to me, Walabummaa would not work without (in the absence of) Bilisummaa of uummataa! Many dictators condoned such weakening mechanisms to prolong their dictatorial regimes - Walabummaa has become a rhetoric these days, among those who are not capable of doing anything to justify that rhetoric. Let the people decide their destiny; and not dictators for the people.
It makes me sad to hear such confussed the so called Oromo intellectuals. How on earth cahn human being discuss on terms like bilisuma or walabuma for more than 20 years with doing nothing for the Oromos. We came to learn that we don't even know the political implication of Dr. Berhanu's attedance at OSA meeting.How long we continue in such confussion. How can we blame the mass Oromo nation for the failurities while the so called educated didn't understand what they are supposed know. Shame!!
I followed the birhanu speech on the seminar and I am not against him on what he said even though I am against on his cover up on the name of unity under the amhara supermacy our oromo question is clear and there is no confusion in it
I guess Dr. Haile never read OLF program-The initial program in 1973 as well as in 1998. I'm willing to assume ignorance not calculated political gain. However, by his own admission so long he's been with OLF as far as he understands walabummaa has never been set clearly. It appears that he did not know what he’s supporting. As for me, if he's for OLF because he thought they are not working toward independent Oromia, now he knows and he better joins other Oromo organizations that are members of MEDERK. If still (knowing that OLF stick to its crystal clear program) believes Oromia should/could be independent then he can work with OLF. Period!
We can argue day and night stay divided on this issue as long as some are trying to be deceptive. There are two camps in the Oromo struggle today. Some say (not openly) time has changed given the current situation including world politics to allow session/independence i.e. let's work with other non-Oromo political organizations and form a democratic Ethiopia. This group of people to some degree has legitimate concern and they are entitled to it. The other camp on the other hand say (openly) as long as we (as oromos) are determined and bring our resources together, unite under the original kaayyo we'll become a force that cannot be stopped. Then, we can create an independent Oromia Republic. Although the sacrifice is huge, this group of people has a determination to bring about a lasting solution to century old complex problem.
The former group would like to have it both ways. What I mean by that is: If they can work with non-Oromo political groups and able to bring the current regime down where they can improve the life of the Oromo society they are okay with it. At the same time, they don’t want to be viewed as being deserters of the original kaayyoo within the Oromo society. The latter group on the other hand is very bold in their objective and creates no confusion. The major problem with this group is that the BIG stumbling block created by the former group against them by deceiving the society. In other words, the former group tells they are working toward independent Oromia by way of incremental steps. As a result, society could not distinguish the differences between these two camps. Hence, few have preferred to stay away from both. In return this weakened the national struggle.
Going back to Dr. Haile, he’s entitled to subscribe to one of the above ideas. However, if he’s trying to confuse the Oromo society by deliberately misinterpreting or omitting the OLF program shame on him!!! For now, let his moral conscious be the judge on him by him. For future, Oromians will be the judge!!!
Please remove the duplicated comment I posted September 3, 2010 11:05:00 AM EDT. we only need 1 not 3 of them. It just happened by accident.
Thank you,
Removed, as requested.
This is really mind boggling! A learned man, a former OSA President, a PhD, opens his mouth IN PUBLIC without reading the documents he is refering to? This is a disgrace! But let us not blame Dr. Haile alone. At least he did somethings to help the struggle like organizing demosnistrations. This is a disease typical to most Oromo "learend men and women." They spend years studying other subjects but they are not willing to study or at least read once political programs of Oromo organizations. Thus, it is not surprising if they make such silly mistakes. I don't believe Dr. Haile, and many more of our "learned men and women", have ever reada the OLF political program. Believe me about this for I know many of them who actually admit to have never seen one actaully.
Rakkoon tun waan dhimma Oromoo ta'e tuffachuu fi yaroo kannuuffii hanqachuu irraa dhufa. In sha Allah, akkuma qabsoon hoo'iteen ni baratu!
Dear Blogger,
Thank you for your historical clarification for what that happened confusion made by Dr. Haile Hirpha. I was one of those who admires him during his presidency in organizing and appealing to the International Communities about our cause & the suffering of our nation. But he did a historical mistake and needs apologize the Oromo people.
For us our core- kaayyoo/Independent Republic of Oromia / is our Identity without any confusion. As every Oromo is a mindset of OLF , today even an Oromo child can tell direction of our destiny.
For the fact our nowdays burning issue is the question of coming together to strength our only real force-Tokkummaa and mass mobilization against the Tigrean empire. Now it is up to our Policy Makers to lead us only in one our be loved OLF.
A civilized society is a society that respect the rule of law. Engineers first draw the sketch of the building they want erect. The structure they want to put on the ground, they first draw it on the paper. The political programme of OLF shows the road map and the kind of country and society OLF wants to establish.The supreme political direction of any political organization is it's political programe. All political parties are judged against their political programe and constitution. This is why every Oromian must carefully read and understand political programmee of the three OLF groups. The 2004 political programme of Shanee has never mentioned the establishment of People's Democratic Republic or Independent Oromia as it's objective. Let me quote what Shanees political programmee says. "Korri Sabaa ABO sadaffaa kan Afraasaa/Muddee 21-27, 2004 tti taa'e daandii dagaagina qabsoo qaceelchuuf sagantaa siyaasaa ABO haaromsuudhaan raggase" jedha. Itti fufee: tuqaa 1. Akeeka fi galii siyaasaa ABO jechuun:
1.1 Hundeen akeeka qabsoo kanaa mirga hiree murteeffannaa ummata Oromoo guutuutti fiixa baasuu dha.
1.2 Kunis, kan mirkanaaqu murtii bilisa ummata Oromootiin motummaa walaba Oromiyaa ijaarratuu, yokiin tokkummaa siyaasaa haarayaa fedhii, qixxummaa, kabajaa dantaa gama hundaa fi deemokraasummaa irratti hundaawe ummatoota ollaa Oromiyaa fi biraa wajjiin dhaabbachuu taha.
1.3 Galii kana bakkaan gahuufis ummattoota, humnoota mirga hiree murteeffannaatti amananii fi dimookraatawoo tahan waliin qabsoo qindeeffata.
Qabxii 10ffaa, mata duree"Tokkummaa, wal-gargaarsaa fi walii tumsa' jedhu qabxii 10.6 jalatti ammoo itti fufuudhaan: " Akeeka mootummaa bakka bu'oota ummataan filamtee ummata dhageessu, ummataaf abboomtuu fi kan walabummaa fi wal-qixxummaa isaa Aangoo 10ffaa tana fi barreessaa kana iddoo biraatti himame akka jirutti tikfamee Oromiyaan federaalummaa Itoophyaatti hirmaatuun sagalee ummataatiin(referendum) murteessama' jedha. Sagantaa siyaasaa isaa keessatti egaa shaneen bakka itti" Mootummaa walaba Oromiyaa ijaaruufan qabsaawa" itti jedhe hin qabu.Firaa fi diina qabsoos adda baasee irratti qajeelfama hin kennu. Impaayerri Ixoophiyaa waan ta'uu qabdu irrattis dhaabbi ifaa hin qabu.Ixoophiyaa akka impaayeraattis bakka itti tuqu hin qabu.Bifa mootummaa inni Oromoof akeeke garuu federaalummaa akka ta'e sagantaa siyaasaa isaa irra ifaa dha.
Gama birootiin sagantaa siyaasaa ABO kan Jaal Dhugaasaa Bakakkootiin hoogganamuu-kan 1998 ragga'e akkas jedha." Hundeen akeeka qabsoo kanaa,mirga hiree murteeffannaa ummata Oromoo argamsiisuuf, sirna impaayera Ixoophiyaa diiguudhaan ummata Oromoo kolonii, hacuuccaa fi saamicha bifa hundaa jala bilisa baasee mootummaa walaba Oromiyaa dhaabee iggitii itti godhuu dha. Kunis kan mirkanaawu, ummati Oromo mirga qabutti dhimma bahee mootummaa walaba Oromiyaa ykn tokkummaa haarawaa ummatoota biroo waliin tolfatuu irratti murtii kennatuun ta'a" jedha.It further clearly indicates and gives direction as to : the pillars, the enemies and friends of Oromo Liberation objective.It also has a clear stand on Ethiopian Empire. It stands for dismantling it.
From this political programmee we can clearly see clear course of action, processes and objective of OLF led by Dhugaasaa Bakakkoo.This political programmee intends to bring independence to Oromo people the way Southern Sudanes are going to do on 10th of January next year. Anyone who wants Shanees political programmee can get it from me.
The 2004 political programme of shanee says:
1. Akeeka fi Galii siyaasaa ABO
1.1 Hundeen akeeka qabsoo kanaa mirga hiree murteeffannaa ummata Oromoo guutuutti fiixa baasuu dha.
1.2 Kunis, kan mirkanaawu murtii bilisa ummata Oromotiin mootummaa walaba Oromiyaa ijaarratuu, yokiin tokkummaa siyaasaa haarayaa fedhii, qixxummaa, kabajaa dantaa gama hundaa fi deemokraasummaa irratti hundaawe ummatoota ollaa Oromiyaa fi biraa wajjiin dhaabbachuu taha.
1.3 Galii kana bakkaan gahuufis ummatoota humnoota mirga hiree murteeffannaatti amananii fi dimookraatawoo tahan waliin qabsoo qindeeffata.
10. Tokkummaa, Wal-gargaars fi walii tukmsa
10.6 Akeeka mootummaa bakka bu'oota ummataan filamtee ummata dhageessu, ummataaf abboomtu fi kan walabummaa fi wal-qixxummaa isaa aangoo 10faa tana fi barreessa kana iddoo biraatti himame akka jirutti tikfamee, Oromiyaan federaalummaa Itoophyaatti hirmaatuun sagalee ummataatiin(referendum) murteessa.
This political programme has never mentioned the establishment of independent Oromia as the objective of shanee.
The political programme of ABO led by obbo Dhugaasaa Bakakkoo
" Hundeen akeeka qabsoo kana sirna impaayera Ixoophiyaa diigee ummata Oromoo kolonii, hacuuccaa fi saamicha bifa hundaa jala bilisa baasee mootummaa walaba Oromiyaa dhaabee iggitii itti godhuu dha.Kunis kan mirkanaawu, mirga qabutti dhimma bahee, mootummaa walaba Oromiyaa ykn tokkummaa haaraa ummatoota biroo waliin tolfatuu keessaa murtii ummati Oromoo kennatuun ta'a".
Sagantaan siyaasaa shanee, diinaa fi fira qabsoo adda baasee kan hin ibsine oggaa ta'u, kan ABO Obbo Dhugaasaa Bakakkootiin hoogganamuu ammoo; utubaa, diinota fi firoota qabsichaa adda baasee eerga ibsee booda qajeelfama irratti kenna. Impaayerri diigamuu qaba jedha.
The supreme political directive of any political Organization is it's political programme. The kind of structure he wants to put on the ground, an engineer first draws and see it on the paper. Likewise, for the kind of country and society you want for Oromo people, compare and contrast the political programme of shanee and ABO led by Obbo Dhugaasaa Bakakko.
For the kind of structure he wants to put on the ground, an engineer first draws it on the paper. For the kind of country and society it wants to create, a political organization put it on it's political programme.The supreme political direction of of any political part is it's political programmee. All political parties are judged by their political programmee and constitution. The difference in their political programmee clearly shows the difference in the kind of country and society Shanee ABO and ABO led by obbo Dhugaasaa Bakakkoo wants to create. The political programme of shanee reads as follows;
Korri Sabaa ABO, sadaffaa kan Afraasaa/Muddee 21-27,2004 tti ta'e daandii dagaagina qabsoo qaceelchuuf sagantaa siyaasaa ABO haaromsuudhaan raggaase.
1. Akeeka fi galii siyaasaa ABO
1.1 Hundeen akeeka qabsoo kanaa mirga hiree murteeffannaa ummata Oromoo guutuutti fiixa baasuu dha.
1.2 Kunis, kan mirkanaawu murtii bilisa ummata Oromootiin mootummaa walaba Oromiyaa ijaarratuu, yokiin tokkummaa siyaasaa haarayaa fedhii, qixxummaa, kabaja dantaa gama hundaa fi deemokraasummaa irratti hundaawe ummattoota ollaa Oromiyaa fi biraa wajjin dhaabbachuu ta'a.
1.3 Galii kana bakkaan gahuufis ummattoota, humnoota mirga hiree murteeffannaatti amananii fi dimikraatawoo waliin qabsoo qindeeffata.
10. Tokkummaa, wal-gargaars fi walii Tumsa
10.6 Akeeka mootummaa bakka bu'oota ummataan filamtee ummata dhageessu, ummata fi abboomtu fi kan walabummaa fi wal-qixxummaa isa aangoo 10ffaa tana jirutti tikfamee, Oromiyaan federaalummaa Ixoophyaatti hirmaatuun sagalee ummatatiin(referendum) murteessama.
Shanees, political programmee has never anywhere mentioned that Shanees objective is to establish independent republic of Oromia it rather opt for Federal structure like OPDO.It also does not indicate shanees enemies and friends.
Political objective of OLF led by obbo Dhugaasaa Bakakkoo reads as follows.
"Hundeen akeeka qabsoo kanaa mirga hiree murteeffannaa ummata Oromoo argamsiisuuf, sirna impaayera Ixooophiyaa diiguudhaan, ummata Oromoo koloniii, hacuuccaa fi saamicha bifa hundaa jalaa bilisa baasee mootummaa walaba Oromiyaa dhaabee iggitii itti godhuu dha jedha.
This clearly shows that it is OLF led by obbo Dhugaasa Bakakkoo that has the objective of establishing independent Oromia. It further indicates:the pillars, the enemies and friends of Oromo liberation struggle.The processes and procedure of liberating Oromia as clearly shown by OLF led by Dhugaasaa Bakakkoo is similar to the way Southern Sudanes are going to do on 10th of January next year(2011).
For the kind of structure he wants to put on the ground, an engineer first draws it on the paper. For the kind of country and society it wants to create, a political organization put it on it's political programme.The supreme political direction of of any political part is it's political programmee. All political parties are judged by their political programmee and constitution. The difference in their political programmee clearly shows the difference in the kind of country and society Shanee ABO and ABO led by obbo Dhugaasaa Bakakkoo wants to create. The political programme of shanee reads as follows;
Korri Sabaa ABO, sadaffaa kan Afraasaa/Muddee 21-27,2004 tti ta'e daandii dagaagina qabsoo qaceelchuuf sagantaa siyaasaa ABO haaromsuudhaan raggaase.
1. Akeeka fi galii siyaasaa ABO
1.1 Hundeen akeeka qabsoo kanaa mirga hiree murteeffannaa ummata Oromoo guutuutti fiixa baasuu dha.
1.2 Kunis, kan mirkanaawu murtii bilisa ummata Oromootiin mootummaa walaba Oromiyaa ijaarratuu, yokiin tokkummaa siyaasaa haarayaa fedhii, qixxummaa, kabaja dantaa gama hundaa fi deemokraasummaa irratti hundaawe ummattoota ollaa Oromiyaa fi biraa wajjin dhaabbachuu ta'a.
1.3 Galii kana bakkaan gahuufis ummattoota, humnoota mirga hiree murteeffannaatti amananii fi dimikraatawoo waliin qabsoo qindeeffata.
10. Tokkummaa, wal-gargaars fi walii Tumsa
10.6 Akeeka mootummaa bakka bu'oota ummataan filamtee ummata dhageessu, ummata fi abboomtu fi kan walabummaa fi wal-qixxummaa isa aangoo 10ffaa tana jirutti tikfamee, Oromiyaan federaalummaa Ixoophyaatti hirmaatuun sagalee ummatatiin(referendum) murteessama.
Shanees, political programmee has never anywhere mentioned that Shanees objective is to establish independent republic of Oromia it rather opt for Federal structure like OPDO.It also does not indicate shanees enemies and friends.
Political objective of OLF led by obbo Dhugaasaa Bakakkoo reads as follows.
"Hundeen akeeka qabsoo kanaa mirga hiree murteeffannaa ummata Oromoo argamsiisuuf, sirna impaayera Ixooophiyaa diiguudhaan, ummata Oromoo koloniii, hacuuccaa fi saamicha bifa hundaa jalaa bilisa baasee mootummaa walaba Oromiyaa dhaabee iggitii itti godhuu dha jedha.
This clearly shows that it is OLF led by obbo Dhugaasa Bakakkoo that has the objective of establishing independent Oromia. It further indicates:the pillars, the enemies and friends of Oromo liberation struggle.The processes and procedure of liberating Oromia as clearly shown by OLF led by Dhugaasaa Bakakkoo is similar to the way Southern Sudanes are going to do on 10th of January next year(2011).
For the kind of structure he wants to put on the ground, an engineer first draws it on the paper. For the kind of country and society it wants to create, a political organization put it on it's political programme.The supreme political direction of of any political part is it's political programmee. All political parties are judged by their political programmee and constitution. The difference in their political programmee clearly shows the difference in the kind of country and society Shanee ABO and ABO led by obbo Dhugaasaa Bakakkoo wants to create. The political programme of shanee reads as follows;
Korri Sabaa ABO, sadaffaa kan Afraasaa/Muddee 21-27,2004 tti ta'e daandii dagaagina qabsoo qaceelchuuf sagantaa siyaasaa ABO haaromsuudhaan raggaase.
1. Akeeka fi galii siyaasaa ABO
1.1 Hundeen akeeka qabsoo kanaa mirga hiree murteeffannaa ummata Oromoo guutuutti fiixa baasuu dha.
1.2 Kunis, kan mirkanaawu murtii bilisa ummata Oromootiin mootummaa walaba Oromiyaa ijaarratuu, yokiin tokkummaa siyaasaa haarayaa fedhii, qixxummaa, kabaja dantaa gama hundaa fi deemokraasummaa irratti hundaawe ummattoota ollaa Oromiyaa fi biraa wajjin dhaabbachuu ta'a.
1.3 Galii kana bakkaan gahuufis ummattoota, humnoota mirga hiree murteeffannaatti amananii fi dimikraatawoo waliin qabsoo qindeeffata.
10. Tokkummaa, wal-gargaars fi walii Tumsa
10.6 Akeeka mootummaa bakka bu'oota ummataan filamtee ummata dhageessu, ummata fi abboomtu fi kan walabummaa fi wal-qixxummaa isa aangoo 10ffaa tana jirutti tikfamee, Oromiyaan federaalummaa Ixoophyaatti hirmaatuun sagalee ummatatiin(referendum) murteessama.
Shanees, political programmee has never anywhere mentioned that Shanees objective is to establish independent republic of Oromia it rather opt for Federal structure like OPDO.It also does not indicate shanees enemies and friends.
Political objective of OLF led by obbo Dhugaasaa Bakakkoo reads as follows.
"Hundeen akeeka qabsoo kanaa mirga hiree murteeffannaa ummata Oromoo argamsiisuuf, sirna impaayera Ixooophiyaa diiguudhaan, ummata Oromoo koloniii, hacuuccaa fi saamicha bifa hundaa jalaa bilisa baasee mootummaa walaba Oromiyaa dhaabee iggitii itti godhuu dha jedha.
This clearly shows that it is OLF led by obbo Dhugaasa Bakakkoo that has the objective of establishing independent Oromia. It further indicates:the pillars, the enemies and friends of Oromo liberation struggle.The processes and procedure of liberating Oromia as clearly shown by OLF led by Dhugaasaa Bakakkoo is similar to the way Southern Sudanes are going to do on 10th of January next year(2011).
As engineers first draw on the paper the kind of structure they want to put on the ground, political organizations first write on their political programme the kind of country and society they want to create. Therefore, true and conscious Oromos must read and understand the political programmes of oromo political Organization and the kind of country and society their political programmes intend to create.
For those who want to support Oromo political organizations based on reasons I want to help them.
Shanee ABO's political programmee
1. Akeeka fi galii qabsoo
1.1 Hundeen akeeka qabsoo kana mirga hiree murteeffannaa ummata Oromoo guutuutti fiixa baasuu dha.
The political programmee of shanee has never and nowhere mentioned that it fights for establishing independent Oromia.It does not even mention it's stand on the status and future of Ethiopian Empire. On 10th, 10.6 it clearly shows that it wants Oromo people to live in a federal Ethiopia.
Political programme of ABO led by obbo Dhugaasaa Bakakkoo
Hundeen akeeka qabsoo kanaa, mirga hiree murteeffannaa ummata Oromoo argamsiisuuf, sirna impaayera Ixoophiyaa diiguudhaan, ummata Oromoo kolonii, hacuuccaa fi saamicha bifa hundaa jala bilisa baasee mootummaa walaba Oromiyaa dhaabee iggitii itti godhuu dha.
Without any doubt, it shows that it fights for establishing independent Oromia and dismantling of Ethiopian Empire.
From these two political programmes, we can easily understand that the kind of country and society both want to create for Oromo people is fundamentally different.
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